Tips For Helping Your Rat With A Speedy Recovery After Surgery

After your rat undergoes surgery, either due to being spayed or neutered or because of a serious ailment that needed to be taken care of, it’s up to you to make sure that they recover quickly. By putting in the effort to take care of your rat after they undergo surgery, you can help speed up how soon they begin to start feeling better.

Provide Plenty of Water and Nutritious Treats

Helping your rat recover after surgery has a lot to do with what they’re eating. One of the most important things that you can do to encourage your rat to begin feeling better is giving them plenty of fresh water that’s easily accessible in a bottle or dish. Along with water, you’ll want your rat to have access to fruits and veggies.

The treats below are all good examples of fruits and veggies that are safe for your rat to consume.

  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Carrots
  • Lemons
  • Oranges

Place Your Rat’s Habitat in a Secluded Area

Too much activity can be a bad thing, so it’s important that you take into consideration where their cage is placed after they return home from the vet. Setting up the cage in a quiet space that doesn’t get a lot of traffic is helpful, along with making sure that the room doesn’t have any draft since rats are prone to respiratory infections.

With how active your rat naturally is, it’s crucial that you rearrange the cage to limit movement. Setting up the cage to reduce movement, such as taking down any hanging hammocks and platforms, can also encourage your rat to stay in one spot so that they don’t cause any irritation to the incision spot.

Limit How Much Playtime Your Rat Has

While you may love playing with your rat, it’s a good idea to reduce how much time you spend taking them of their cage. Too much rough-housing can be a bad thing for your rat as they recover from surgery, making it important that you keep them stationary as they heal.

Keep an Eye on Your Rat’s Surgery Site

Regularly inspecting your rat and the surgery site is crucial since infection could lead to a ton of problems for your rat. By looking over your rat every time you check on them, you’ll be alerted if they have any redness or swelling. In this case, you’ll want to bring them straight to the vet for further treatment.

Taking the best care of your rat after surgery is an essential part of being a good pet owner, but it can be challenging to know what to do. The tips above can help guide you through the recovery process and ensure that your rat is healthy again soon. 

For more information, contact a business such as Northwest Animal Hospital.

Author: Xavier Claude

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