Do guinea pigs still exist in the wild?

Do guinea pigs still exist in the wild?

Guinea pigs are small rodents that originate from the Andes, and were domesticated by the Incas for food and religious ceremonies. They were introduced to Europe in the 16th century and are now primarily kept as pets. Despite this, it is believed that guinea pigs still exist in the wild in South America. Their natural habitat is of rocky terrain, grasslands, and scrub forests, where they feed on grasses, roots and fruits. They are sometimes hunted for food in some regions, but the numbers of wild guinea pigs are thought to be decreasing due to habitat destruction and other human activities.

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Why do people find comfort in having animals as pets?

Why do people find comfort in having animals as pets?

Having animals as pets can provide comfort for people for many reasons. Pets can provide companionship, unconditional love, and even help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. They can also act as a form of therapy and provide support in times of need. Having a pet can also help people stay active and healthy, as well as providing a sense of purpose. Pets can also bring joy and lighten the mood. Ultimately, having animals as pets can be a great source of comfort for many people.

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