Posts Tagged ‘Labrador Retriever’
Golden Retriever Information – Do You Know Why This Breed is So Popular?
Golden Retriever Information – Do You Know Why This Breed is So Popular?
By Archie Right
There’s a very good reason why Golden Retrievers remain one of the most sought-after and adored breed of dog today. Actually, there are numerous reasons for the enduring popularity of this wonder breed. It might be because the Golden Retriever is such a majestic beauty. Or it might be that they are already heavily featured and embedded in modern-day pop culture. But just to throw a single word out there to explain all the hoopla: versatility. But there are still some information to consider if you are planning to adopt a Golden Retriever.
With Golden Retriever adoption boom these days, many curious onlookers are puzzled by its ever-increasing popularity. For the happy and content owners, there is no puzzle. Simply put, the Golden is the most versatile dog breed in the world today, easily beating out other classic prized breeds like the German shepherd, Beagle, or the Bulldog. The staying power of the Golden is very evident in its consistent showing atop the rankings, never featuring out of the top five according to the American Kennel Club statistics. Truly, the golden retriever adoption drive isn’t just a fad, it’s the natural effect of the consistent and diverse quality of the mighty breed.
But it wasn’t always this way. The golden retrievers of old were originally meant as hunting dogs in the highlands of Scotland. Over time, the curious breed developed into the all-encompassing family companion it is known for today — a trademark it has since lorded over with nary a competition (only the Labrador retriever compares in sheer worldwide popularity).
Possessing gentle but active demeanor, a penchant for wonderment and activity, and that ever-glorious coat of gold as its fur, the golden retriever looks at first glance as a stay-in house dog. But, not quite. Staying on the top of the dogs’ world requires the Golden to perform a multitude of roles and tasks. To keep the frenzy of Golden Retriever adoption growing around the world, the humble canine takes on all comers.
Although still used as a hunt dog in some parts of the world, the Golden has since diversified its repertoire of roles. In the United States, the canine is well-loved as a seeing dog for the visually-impaired, owing to its gentle character and eagerness to please. All around the world, disaster agencies have begun major Golden adoption for search and rescue purposes. The Golden is also a favorite in television commercials and feature-films, having appeared in countless shows, with some even having them in starring roles as in the film Air Bud. A quick trip to any canine competition would likewise yield the many talents of the Golden, as it is famous as an obedience and agility dog fully capable of mastering a variety of tricks and commands. And as further validation of its friendly and helpful disposition, the Golden Retriever is also one of most prominent breeds to feature as therapy dogs.
Versatility aside, the Golden Retriever adoption craze is of course fueled not necessarily by what the breed can do (and we’ve already well-established that the breed can do a lot), but what it stands for in our society. For many households, it is an extension of that family. The playful antics of the retriever hide the fact that it is also one of the most loyal, if not the most, of the family breeds. As a constant companion in and out of the house, the Golden has a privilege and an enviable task of keeping liveliness and family spirits up in the household. How many other types of dog can lay claim to that?
Archie Right is a Golden Retriever expert. For more information on Golden Retriever information, visit
Article Source:—Do-You-Know-Why-This-Breed-is-So-Popular?&id=4548937
Golden Labrador Retriever – General Information and Peculiarities of the Hybrid
Golden Labrador Retriever – General Information and Peculiarities of the Hybrid
By Archie Right
Golden Labrador retriever is one of the many golden retriever mixes. It is also called Labrador golden retriever or just golden lab. The same name sometimes is used for yellow Labradors, but it is not the subject of this article.
Although not recognized by purebred registries like AKC Labrador Golden Retriever is rather popular hybrid dog and there are many reasons for it. First of all both Labrador and Golden Retriever are extremely popular breeds both in US and worldwide. Second, they have a lot of similarities in character making them appropriate for crossbreeding. Finally, Golden Lab has a few interesting characteristics.
In most cases Golden Labrador Retriever inherits some appearance from Golden Retriever. This includes coat that can be both long and short but look more like Golden’s coat and is thick and shiny. The color of the coat may be yellow or brown and is normally inherited from the Labrador parent. The tail can be covered in long hair and curved. Head shape and a good muscular built are also more like the one Golden’s normally have. The dog usually weights over 50 ponds and is very strong.
Since both Goldens and Labradors are intelligent and obedient breeds, Golden Labrador inherited both of these traits. They are also great with children and other pets and love all family members as Goldens usually do. It is a very loyal family dog. However, Golden Labs are reported to be not as friendly with strangers as Golden Retrievers are.
They are very trainable and easy to socialize with people and other dogs. However, these natural abilities should be supported by efforts of the owner. Otherwise Golden Lab may grow up to be aggressive towards other people at home or shy and scared outdoors.
Labrador Golden Retrievers bark and bark loud. They like to bark strangers especially when they are near or in the house, but sometimes they may bark from the distance. They also have good chase instinct. In practice it means that they tend to chase cars and bikes. This habit should be eliminated while they are young, otherwise they may preserve it through entire life.
Golden Labradors shed a lot and require regular grooming (at least once a week) to keep shedding under control. This will also help to keep the dog’s skin healthy. They can be bathed regularly but some of them may not like or even be afraid of the procedure.
Golden Labs require regular exercises just like their parent breeds. Long walks, swimming, running and regular dog games that include chasing and retrieving are perfect for these dogs. And remember that exercises are necessary for the dog’s mental and physical health.
Health of Golden Labrador Retrievers is another issue to address. Both Labradors and Goldens have similar health problems (for instance hip dysplasia) so it is necessary to check both parents for the signs of hereditary diseases before breeding and ask for health certificates if you’ve decided to adopt a pup. However, in most cases Golden Labs have better skin health and less prone to allergies (except for dust allergy) than Golden Retrievers.
Archie Right is a Golden Retriever expert. For more information on Golden Labrador Retriever, visit
Article Source:—General-Information-and-Peculiarities-of-the-Hybrid&id=4761012
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